alexa heinrich

published author

In May 2022, I published a guidebook to complement the Accessible Social website. While the site is incredibly popular, many social media professionals still like having a physical resource they can keep at their desk and have handy when they can't be online.

The Accessible Social guidebook is packed with all the same great information as its online counterpart. To keep it updated, I released a revised edition of the printed guidebook in January 2024 as well as an eBook and free digital versions.

Not only did I self-publish the guidebook, but I also designed every aspect of it, from the front and back cover to the layout of the pages. I wanted the guide itself to be as accessible as possible, and self-publishing allowed me to focus on details like color contrast, font size, and readability.

The Accessible Social guidebook has become a favorite resource for content creators and accessibility advocates around the world.

Alexa holding up a copy of the Accessible Social guidebook.